Sunday, February 22, 2015

Here's to my last week as a greenie!


Here's to my last week as a greenie! My training officially ends on Sunday, March 1st.
Where has the time gone??? I honestly just can't believe I have almost been out on my mission for 5 months! 

I love it here. รักพิษณุโลกมากกกกกๆ
Next Thursday (March 5th) is transfers and I have no idea what is going to happen. I could stay; I could leave. Who knows! President's crazy. I do know for sure that I am going though, because I think I have Visa stuff I have to get figured out. Everyone has to go through it at the end of their second transfer. So there's no problem, don't worry.

We had a crazy rainstorm yesterday! The second one since I have been here. Yesterday was even worse though. It just poured. We had thunder and lightening and everything! It was so cool!! 
Glad I got the mud flaps on my bike this last week. 

Anyways! This week was full of miracles. I don't think I will ever get used to how many miracles I have seen since being here! (Quick note: OUR WHOLE ZONE GOT BALANCED THIS WEEK!) 

So the new focus in the mission has been families, and specifically teaching part member families. Ironically, one of the very strong members here, (Sister Amy, who has one of her twin sons out on a mission in Utah right now!!) had her mom move into her house this last week from Chiang Mai! She isn't a member, and has actually been Catholic for the last 2 years. We didn't know if she was going to be interested.  When we went over there, Sister Amy wanted us to come teach her. So we did! She ended up loving it, and says she wants to be baptized! We couldn't believe it! 
She is the sweetest 85 year old lady ever. She is just very sick, and hard of hearing so it's way fun to try and teach her! 

I just have such a love for the people here! I just want to stay forever! :) 
Anyways. Just a quick email this week. We are going to sightseeing with the members!
Love you all! 
Have a great week!

~Sister Burbank

It started raining right after we took the picture with the ta-gah players. This is what we looked like when we got home! 555 LOVE RAIN SO MUCH!

Sister Mut, I love her.

Sis Burbank, Sis Alley, Sis Mut

Ta-gah Players, they are seriously so boss. Sis Alley and I are addicted!!! We have a couple RC's that can play and have been teaching us. We practice all the time now. Obsessed.

Ta-gah is like hacky sack with a small hard plastic ball. Normally you play with a volleyball type net. It's like volleyball with your feet. 

That old man in the white shirt is 84 years old and still plays.

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